
Outsmarting the Compiler

Suppose we have two very similar structs which we need to partially populate "ahead of time" and store somewhere. Then, a bit later, we need to very quickly finish populating the structs. Here are some example structs:

struct __attribute__((packed)) A {
  int64_t a;
  int64_t b;
  char    arr[PADDING1];
  int64_t c;

struct __attribute__((packed)) B {
  int64_t a;
  int64_t b;
  char    arr[PADDING2];
  int64_t c;

The "padding" arrays are populated ahead of time, so we just need to set a, b, and c for each struct (quickly):

template <typename T>
void writeFields(T* t)
  t->a = 12;
  t->b = 25;
  t->c = 16;

Unfortunately, we don't statically know what struct we are going to have to operate on; we only get this information at runtime. We just have a blob of memory and a tag which indicates which of the two variants of the struct is sitting in the blob of memory:

enum class Variant { eA, eB };

struct Wrapper {
  Variant v;
  char payload[];

So, our fast path write function will need to take a wrapper struct, switch on the tag, then call the appropriate version of writeFields:

void write(Wrapper* w)
  if (w->v == Variant::eA) {
  else {

If PADDING1 = PADDING2=, then, regardless of the value of the tag (which struct we are populating), we will need to write to the same offsets. The cast and the templated function call will all compile out. Take a look (clang-4.0 --std=c++1z -O3):

        .quad   12                      # 0xc
        .quad   25                      # 0x19
write(Wrapper*):                      # @write(Wrapper*)
        movaps  xmm0, xmmword ptr [rip + .LCPI2_0] # xmm0 = [12,25]
        movups  xmmword ptr [rdi + 4], xmm0
        mov     qword ptr [rdi + 36], 16

Before we move on, take a moment to appreciate what your compiler just did for you:

  1. It allowed you to write a type safe writeFields method. If the layout of the struct changes for some reason, this part of the code will not begin to misbehave.
  2. It removed the cost of the abstraction when it could figure out how to.

Unfortunately, if PADDING1 ! PADDING2=, we will need to write the value of c in a different location in struct A and struct B. In this case, it looks like we will need read the tag out of the Wrapper*, then branch to the appropriate writeFields method. We are good programmers, we know that branches might be expensive, so we really want avoid any branching.

We can skip the branch by storing the offset in our wrapper struct and precomputing the offset when the wrapper is set up. Introduce a new wrapper type (and abandon all type safety):

struct WrapperWithOffset {
  Variant v;
  size_t offset;
  char payload[];

Next, we can write a new function which will operate on structs of type A or type B, but, instead of writing to c directly, it computes a pointer to c using the offset we've stored in the wrapper, then writes to that pointer.

void writeFieldsWithOffset(A* t, size_t c_offset)
  // make sure a and b are always at the same offset in struct A and struct B
  static_assert(offsetof(A, a) == offsetof(B, a), "!");
  static_assert(offsetof(A, b) == offsetof(B, b), "!");

  t->a = 12;
  t->b = 25;

  // c will be at the offset we've provided
  *(int64_t*)(((char*)t + c_offset)) = 16;

void writeLessSafe(WrapperWithOffset* w)
  A* a = reinterpret_cast<A*>(w->payload);
  writeFieldsWithOffset(a, w->offset);

Checking the code, this compiles down to exactly what we were hoping it would (again with clang-4.0)!

        .quad   12                      # 0xc
        .quad   25                      # 0x19
writeLessSafe(WrapperWithOffset*): # @writeLessSafe(WrapperWithOffset*)
        mov     rax, qword ptr [rdi + 8]
        movaps  xmm0, xmmword ptr [rip + .LCPI1_0] # xmm0 = [12,25]
        movups  xmmword ptr [rdi + 16], xmm0
        mov     qword ptr [rdi + rax + 16], 16

Hooray, no conditional generated, exactly as we desired. We've outsmarted the compiler!


Reminder: In the previous examples PADDING1 = 16 and PADDING2 = 17. What happens to the generated code if we make the paddings completely wacky?

With PADDING1 = 16 and PADDING2 = 173, and with the enum values reverted to their defaults:

        .quad   12                      # 0xc
        .quad   25                      # 0x19
writeLessSafe(WrapperWithOffset*): # @writeLessSafe(WrapperWithOffset*)
        mov     rax, qword ptr [rdi + 8]
        movaps  xmm0, xmmword ptr [rip + .LCPI1_0] # xmm0 = [12,25]
        movups  xmmword ptr [rdi + 16], xmm0
        mov     qword ptr [rdi + rax + 16], 16

        .quad   12                      # 0xc
        .quad   25                      # 0x19
write(Wrapper*):                      # @write(Wrapper*)
        cmp     dword ptr [rdi], 0
        movaps  xmm0, xmmword ptr [rip + .LCPI2_0] # xmm0 = [12,25]
        movups  xmmword ptr [rdi + 4], xmm0
        mov     eax, 32
        mov     ecx, 189
        cmove   rcx, rax
        mov     qword ptr [rdi + rcx + 4], 16

writeLessSafe doesn't change, as expected. write does get tweaked a bit to account for the new offsets, but its still pretty great code.

So, have we beaten the compiler? The answer to that depends on which compiler you ask.

gcc 7.1 (–std=c++1z -O3)


No conclusion. None of my benchmarks have managed to detect any convincing cost for this branch (even when variants are randomly chosen inside of a loop in an attempt to confuse branch predictor) so none of this actually matters (probably). The only interesting fact my benchmarks showed is that clang 4.0 looked very very slightly faster than gcc 6.3, possibly because of the vector instructions clang is generating, but also possibly because benchmarking is hard and I'm not benchmarking on isolated cores. Here's some code: gist.

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